On behalf of Riposte, the queer arts party, and in partnership with Queercircle gallery, I facilitate a workshop series that looks to use craft and arts to create a safe space, where participants can form relationships outside of the party environment. We employ queer artists and poractitioners to run each session, giving them a space, a wage, and support in running workshops.

Horse Themed Print Making with Kelly Wu
“Kelly Wu is a queer Chinese-British artist living and working in London. She will be running a horse-themed printmaking workshop on the 28th of October, covering frottage, monoprinting, DIY debossing, and stencilling. Please come along if you like printing or horses!”

Kelly’s Instagram

Drawing Speed Dating with Saint Akua
Saint Akua is a British Ghanaian artist and educator born in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Their journey as an artist began with their fascination with portraiture, and desire to capture the unseen in someone. They’re interested in the metaphysical world, creating connections, and drawn to the use of symbolism from her Ghanaian heritage. Their workshops invite participants to connect with others by creating art and having conversations. Participants will leave with mini portraits of themselves drawn by others which highlight the beauty others see in them. 

Saint’s Instagram

Body Positivity Zine Making with Lou Brown

Lou Brown, or goodstrangevibes, is an illustrator and workshop artist, specialising in body image, LGBT art, sex education and mental health. For this session, Lou taught participants how to fold and make a zine, and thorughout the workshop gave prompts for each page relating to thanking your body and focusing on parts to appreciate.

Lou’s Instagram

Collaborative Painting with Eli Delbaere
Eli is a painter whose play-oriented practice focuses on the organic and the unseen. They believe on using only what materials you find or have to hand, and the symbols and figures which move through their work conjure mythology, spirituality and manifold ways to explore the body. They aim to make art more accessible and non-hierarchical through collaborative installations and workshops, inviting others into their inner creative world. In this workshop, participants were invited to get messy, free themselves and express the animal within using any materials of their choice, as they contributed to a large scale piece formed of canvases, boards and fabric. 

Eli’s Instagram